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Lead Magnets (might take a moment to load)

Lead magnets usually offer a piece of digital, downloadable content, such as a free PDF checklist, report, eBook, whitepaper, case study, etc. in exchange for a client or potential client's email address. (These folks have a great list of options that I can't even fathom- -I'm simpler I deal in PDFs (and images)

People are always asking for samples. While the information is proprietary to each company, the design isn't. Below you can find extremes of every nature. But truly when someone sends me one of these documents, is far more fun to look over their company and see what comes out, those always end up best.

Anyone that didn't expressly permit me to use the product they paid for is blurred out. The styles are still intact.

Basic Graphic

Medium Graphic

Higher Graphic



Speaker Sheets


Gilmac is an Australian company that provides products to hotels. These were the samples I did for them to see what a catalog of their products could look like. Happens to have been one of my favorite catalogs.

Graphics: I'm not an illustrator. Really just not in my wheelhouse but I do love doing graphs & info-graphs

Yes, I like the creative tedium of them and it's one of the few things I use a few templates to achieve the best looks.

Please don't--dictate what every line and box should look like and then get upset over the final look. I will tell you that columns with boxed colors aren't a good idea. When you still say, "I want" I will do so. You will pay more for me to go back in and fix it after the fact.

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